Singing the Laundry Room Blues

“For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances”

Paul’s words rang through my ears as I sorted through what felt like a mountain of laundry.  I thought of an old song by Tennessee Ernie Ford called “16 Tons” and began composing my own version that went something like this:
You wash 16 loads and what do you get?
Some forgotten towels all nasty and wet!
            Girlfriends don’t you call me cuz I can’t go!
            I spend my days like a laundry room troll!
Never let it be said that I don’t have a flair for the dramatic!  As I sorted clothes and hummed my mournful little tune, Paul’s words about contentment keep going through my mind.  I stopped humming and thought about it some more.  Paul had endured a great deal more than a mountain of dirty laundry. Even in its sorry state, my laundry room would look like the Hilton compared to the prisons that were frequently his accommodations!  Paul was often in chains while I live in freedom.  I have a comfortable home, filled with the people I love and who love me.  Sure those people generate a lot of laundry but they are worth each and every load to me.
That afternoon my perspective began to change.  As I dumped the contents of several hampers and began to sort them, I decided to try something new. Instead of unknotting twisted pieces of dirty clothes with exasperation I began to pray for the owner of the item.  I pulled rocks and other treasures out of pockets and smiled as I gave thanks for the little boys who fill those pockets.  As I threw in a load of dress shirts, I was grateful for my husband who works so hard to provide for us. While turning my now teenage daughter’s shirt, I offered thanks for the lovely young lady she is becoming. Sorting through our college freshman’s t-shirts from various clubs and societies made me grateful that her hard work has been rewarded. Adding our soon-to-be married oldest daughter’s items to the mix I prayed that her marriage would be greatly blessed.  I smiled as my future son-in-law’s swim trunks somehow found their way to me and I added them to a pile as I thanked the Lord for bringing him into our lives.
During that little “laundry room devotion” my perspective changed. I trudged down the stairs grumpy and pitiful but as I made my way back up I felt differently.  My arms were full of clean clothes but more importantly, my heart was full of contentment.


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