
On Friday morning I was texting with my sister, Betty. (Ok, technically she is my sister-in-law but the heart overrules genetics and she is my sister) Since Betty is in California and I’m in Wisconsin, we typically communicate via text messages. As always, it was wonderful to see a message pop up from her. She asked how I was doing and I replied and told her that to be quite honest, I was struggling a little. Betty is one of the most encouraging people I know and has such a heart for the Lord and others, so I knew I could be real with her. As we texted back and forth about all that was going on, she shared that the Lord had given her the word “endure” for this time. Betty went on to share how she applies this to our present trials. 

I am so grateful for my wise sister. Since yesterday I have been reflecting on her word. Endure. The meaning is even more profound in light of Good Friday. I am reminded.

“We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the joy ahead of him, so he endured death on the cross and ignored the disgrace it brought him. Then he received the highest position in heaven, the one next to the throne of God.” (GWT Hebrews 12:22)

Jesus endured unimaginable pain, suffering, and ultimately death on the cross to pay the price for my sins. The road to the cross was hard. He was God; HE knew what it was going to be like. Yet, HE focused on the joy ahead. Jesus knew how the story was going to end and the ending was going to be eternally glorious.

Betty’s word (endure) changed my focus. I was focusing on the here and now. If we are being honest, the here and now isn’t so great. We miss the loved ones and friends we can’t be physically present with. We miss going to church and serving and worshiping together. We miss going places. We miss activities. We are frightened of losing our jobs. We are frightened to go to work if we have a job that puts us in contact with others. The here and now doesn’t resemble anything we have experienced before. Yet, truth be told, despite whatever I am missing, I am still really privileged.  I have so many resources available to me. I am not being persecuted and still have the freedom and opportunity to show the love of Jesus to others. In fact, this time presents me with an amazing opportunity to think outside the box of the walls of the church and reach out in new and innovative ways.

Last night as I was still pondering what “endure” meant to me, my church came together in individual homes to view the Good Friday service. It was one of the most unique and profound services I have ever “attended.” Despite the fact that we were not gathered together in the sanctuary, I experienced a great sense of unity and community. As we took communion in our homes, our hearts were knit together in remembrance and gratitude for Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

This morning I felt a personal renewal. Yes, what we are enduring is difficult. There is no denying that, and it is ok to experience the emotions associated with what we are going through. However, I am reminded that as we endure, there is a great joy ahead. My prayer is that this time won’t be wasted and that I will seek the Lord with all my heart and serve HIM by serving others. As we often say, “it is Friday, but Sunday is coming.” This Good Friday, I was greatly reminded of this.  HE has promised there is joy ahead and I know this is true.

I wish you all blessings as we endure.




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