The Usual Suspects

I interrupt this devotional blog to bring you a public service announcement drawn from something I experienced a few years ago.
There I was, just minding my own business and trying to balance a toddler on my hip while filling a juice cup when it happened.  I reached into the fridge to grab the juice pitcher and it wouldn’t budge. Still half asleep and not sufficiently caffeinated, I tried again; still to no avail.  I slid Jacob off my hip and as soon as his little feet hit the floor he scampered off, no doubt headed upstairs to wake his big sisters. Bending down, I peered into the fridge and found the pitcher was adhered to the shelf in a mound of caramel sauce.  Upon further inspection I could see that everything on the shelf was stuck atop a river of caramel.  The offending jar of sauce was at the back, on its side with the lid a few inches away.
“Really? “I said out loud.  My day had started out so well and now this happens? My plans for the day did not include cleaning my refrigerator.  I had two girls to homeschool, two preschoolers to amuse and a toddler to chase.  My mood began to sour as I labored to pull the items off the sticky shelf and saw that the caramel river had flowed to the shelf below and past that, to the bottom of the fridge.  Sighing, I closed my eyes and wondered where to begin.  As always, God’s timing is perfect and these words came to mind:
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I had to laugh out loud at that moment. What do I have to lose, I asked myself. So with a butter knife, a bucket full of warm soapy water and determination, I tackled my task. I found that you have a great deal of time to pray as you tackle a task of this proportion. Before I knew it, my mood improved and I was thankful for a sparkling clean refrigerator. Only God can use a spilled jar of caramel to teach a valuable lesson.
At this point you may be asking where the “public service announcement” comes in.  Allow me to explain.
After the cleaning was done, I lined up the usual suspects. Baby-face Jacob adamantly denied any involvement.  Matthew, who had a previous record of suspicious activity such as jumping off tables in a cape and painting the wall with yogurt also pleaded not guilty.  Upon interrogation, Carly (aka Eddie Haskell) showed her shock that someone would leave such a mess and promptly complimented me on my outfit. Even Ashley, who has a solid history of confessing to everything, didn’t take the blame.  Shelby stuck to her plea of innocence and looked upon her siblings with great suspicion.  I didn’t even bother questioning my darling husband, Randall, because I knew it wasn’t him. Truth be told, he is the “Felix” and I am the “Oscar” in this relationship.
All of this led me to one conclusion. I had purchased a defective jar of caramel sauce. Somehow, the lid popped off and causing it to tip over, all on its own! I cannot help but wonder how many other families were victim to this obvious manufacturing defect? Therefore, I urge you to use caution! Thoroughly secure these jars before you place them in your fridge.  However, just in case, you may want to post a copy of 1 Thessalonians 5:16 on the front of your refrigerator.


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