Lego Landmines & Moms Who Go Bump in the Night

I was trying to quietly make my way through the room and not wake anyone. It was very dark and I don’t claim to have the best night vision. With arms outstretched and timid steps I moved forward.  The next thing I knew, I stepped on a Lego, jumped forward only to get the gun of a green army guy between my toes and hit my hip on the doorknob.  Honestly, if it was happening to someone else, I would have been laughing hysterically. Somehow the kids slept through it all.
Since my hip had already located the doorknob, turned it and limped out.  Silently I wondered why I didn’t turn on a light in the next room and crack the door a little so I could have avoided Lego landmines guarded by the army guys.  The next day I sarcastically remarked that I needed a map clearly marking the landmines so I could safely navigate my way through the boy’s room.  As I applied Neosporin to my bayonet wound I thought about it all.
Like a wounded warrior, I hobbled to the sofa and opened my Bible to pick up where I left off the day before.  As I read Psalm 119 I came to this verse:
Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.
How often do I choose to navigate through life without His direction? How different would the outcome be had I sought His direction? I looked at my wounded foot and thought of the pain I could have avoided, not just last night, but throughout my life. Looking back, had I chose His direction, how many bad choices would have been prevented? If I chose to direct my footsteps according to His word, there are many words I wouldn’t have said.  Not following His directions is the common theme in the poor choices I've made.
His Word truly is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. Take it from me; stumbling around in the dark doesn’t end well. In fact, it usually ends painfully. My prayer for all of us is that we will seek His direction in our lives and the choices we make each day.  May the words we choose be filled with love and encouragement, even when they don’t come easily and may our actions show the world that we are doing our best to walk in the light.


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