
Over the years I’ve facilitated and participated in many Bible studies. I love learning from and with others. Each person in the group brings their unique perspective to the table. Last fall I was doing a Beth Moore study called “Praying God’s Word” with a group of women.  One week we were discussing our thought lives. We all agreed that it was easy to hide our struggle with thoughts because other people cannot read our minds. Sure, things can come out through our words and actions but for the most part, our thoughts can be kept in secret from other people.
One of the scriptures we discussed in regard to our thought lives was Philippians 4 verse 8. In this single verse is a wealth of instruction for us.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”.
If we keep our focus on what is true, we won’t listen to the lies we hear every day. We can drown out that voice that tells us we’re worthless.  By focusing on what is noble, we are focusing on something that possesses outstanding qualities rather than something of no value. When we choose to think about something pure our thoughts are uncontaminated. If we choose to ponder lovely things there is no room for ugly thoughts. Choosing to think of admirable things pushes detestable thoughts from our minds. Finally, focusing on excellent and praiseworthy thoughts fills us with joy.
We need to be conscious of our thoughts. Sometimes my mind wanders and I need to rein it in. One of the women in our study put it best when she said, “My mind is like a bad neighborhood, I shouldn’t go there alone”. I love that quote! It is so true. My mind can be a bad neighborhood.  Focusing on God's Word keeps me from heading to places I've no business being.
I don’t want to pollute my mind with thoughts that are unhealthy to me spiritually or emotionally.  With God’s Word I can filter out the impurities. It’s a continuing process for me. Sometimes my thoughts roam and before I realize it, I find myself in a bad neighborhood. Thankfully His Word is there to navigate me back to where I need to be.
I don’t know where you are at today. Maybe your mind is filled with thoughts you are too ashamed to share with anyone. Perhaps you’ve been hurt and are dwelling on bitter and angry thoughts.  Your thoughts may still be filled with a voice that lied to you and said you were worthless. Whatever you are thinking about right now, I urge you to think about
“……………. whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things”.
Be blessed, my friends!


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