

The #FaithbookExperiment continues and I'm finding myself spending a great deal of time in the Psalms. Today Psalm 27:1 spoke to me in a mighty way.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?”

I know this is truth. The Lord is my light, and light dispels darkness. I also know that the enemy loves darkness, he thrives in it. The enemy of our souls tries to deceive us with his darkness. He tries to hold us in captivity through the darkness of fear, depression, anger, and many other things. Darkness is a deception used by the enemy to try to discourage believers. 

As I meditated on this verse, the following image came to mind. (I just love the way my Creator speaks to me in pictures.) This morning as I walked into the family room I opened the blind. The moment the blind began to go up sunlight burst forth into the room. I was so struck by the beautiful light and the wonderful warmth of the sun today. At the time I had no idea why this made such an impression on me.  Little did I know that later today the Lord was going to use that experience to reveal HIS goodness to me!

Later this morning as I found myself in Psalm 27 the Lord showed me that the enemy uses “blinds” such as fear and other tactics to try to block the light from our lives. He wants to keep us despairing in the darkness, thinking there is no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Our enemy relishes in watching us stumbling around in the darkness and wants us to believe that darkness is our reality. Our enemy is a deceiver and a liar.

The truth is that the Lord is our light. Just as pulling the cord of a blind lets the sun in, calling upon the Lord and His glory dispels darkness. A shade can hide the light but cannot take the light away; the sun is still shining on the other side. As believers we need to recognize the darkened rooms in our hearts and minds and open the blinds and let the SON in! 

Today let’s take back the darkened rooms in our lives. There is light on the other side of that blind. Don’t let the enemy use emotions as blinds in your life. Proclaim the truth that the Lord is our light and our salvation. Ask HIM to dispel the darkness. Grab your Bible and seek HIM and open your lips and praise HIM and proclaim HIS NAME.  Let the blinds be torn to shreds!




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