Begin Again

Every morning I begin the day the same way.  Before I step out of bed I always ask the Lord to bless the day and help me to be the woman He wants me to be. As my feet touch the carpet, it’s a clean slate.  Heading downstairs I greet whoever happens to be heading out for the day and settle down with a cup of coffee and my Bible. At this point the slate is almost always still clean; unless I trip over a backpack on my way to the kitchen.  However, barring no unforeseen landmines on the floor for me to trip over, my attitude is typically good.
During my quiet time I do my best to focus on what my attitude should be, what I should and shouldn’t say, and what I should and shouldn’t do.  No one knows my triggers better than me, so I do my best to be proactive.  I pray and spend time in the Word in preparation for the day ahead.
Given all of the above you would think that eventually I would get it right. Unfortunately, I’ve yet to make it through the day without messing up my clean slate. Some days I make it further than others. Then there are days that are far from stellar. What frustrates me the most is, me! I know what I should say and do, but sometimes I just choose to head the opposite direction. Sure, I could make excuses. However, the bottom line is no matter what happens; I choose how I react. If someone speaks to me harshly, I can choose not to respond in anger. When asked a question, I can choose to respond with the truth, even if the truth isn’t easy to speak. Given the choice between holding a grudge and forgiving, I can choose to forgive.  Quite simply put, I make poor choices.
            I love Paul’s honesty in Romans 7.
I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

Even Paul, the man who got knocked off his donkey on a Damascus road, struggled to do what was right in his daily life. Yet, despite his mistakes, God still used him in a mighty way. I’m so thankful that God gives us such examples. It gives me the encouragement to keep pressing on, even after I’ve made a mistake.

What does your “slate” look like today? Are there words you wish you hadn’t said or things you wish you hadn’t done? If so, I want to encourage you. Don’t grow weary and become discouraged.  We all struggle and make mistakes. Take a moment, talk to God and begin again.

Be blessed!


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