Dinnertime Miracles

What’s for dinner? Those three words inspire me. Sometimes they inspire me to order pizza and other times they inspire me to think outside the box. Today was one of the “think outside the box days”. Grocery shopping is three days away and our storehouse is getting rather empty. On top of that, I don’t have a vehicle during the day so I couldn’t go to the store if I wanted to.  In our family we’ve come to call times like these our own version of the “fish and loaves”.  I’m sure you’re all familiar with the story when Jesus fed the multitude with a few fish and loaves of bread. This morning I even jokingly texted my husband and told him dinner was going to be a miraculous event.
So, off I went to the fridge and found my “fish” in the form of three small chicken breasts and a pound of bacon.  Unfortunately when I checked the pantry, there weren’t any “loaves”.  Thankfully I love to bake bread so I whipped up a dozen rolls and set them aside to rise. Later, I fried the bacon and put it to the side. Next I pounded out the chicken breasts to make them stretch a bit further (pun intended).  Then, going over my assets I found a bag of grated cheese. I put it all together and made chicken and bacon sandwiches topped with cheese on freshly baked rolls.
Tonight we all gathered around the table and enjoyed our time together while we ate. I have to admit that initially I was worried there wouldn’t be enough. As we chatted and laughed, I forgot about my worries.  When we were all done there were actually a few leftovers. Granted, it was just a few rolls, a piece of bacon and a little bit of chicken. That still counts as leftovers in my book, and as my lunch tomorrow.
I know this story isn’t earthshattering, but it is real. I love how the Lord provides for us in small ways every single day. He always keeps His promises. The Lord truly is our Shepherd and we shall not want.  Philippians 4:19 tells us:
And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
It’s humbling to think that the same God who created the universe is concerned about every aspect of my life, even keeping my family fed. Sometimes it’s easy to hesitate to come to the Lord with needs because they seem insignificant. We need to remember that nothing is too big or too small to bring to Him. On nights like these as we pray and offer thanksgiving before our meal, I am especially aware of the One who provided it. 
The next time your cupboard is getting a little bare, instead of ordering pizza; offer a prayer.  You never know what might end up on the menu!
Be blessed, my dear friends!


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