Choosing Joy

            Earlier today I was reading John 10. This is the text where Jesus uses the illustration of the Good Shepherd and His sheep. In these verses we learn that there is also a thief seeking to rob us.           
The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.
            We live in a society filled with ways to protect ourselves, loved ones, and personal belongings. Our homes have deadbolt locks and alarms systems. The vehicles we drive have automatic door locks to protect us from carjackers.  Even our laptops are protected from viruses by software. We seek protection of our personal safety, finances, and data. Loss prevention businesses are making millions of dollars each year. It’s all about being proactive.
As Christians we need to be proactive against theft too.  What do we need to protect? We need to protect our joy.  Each and every day we come up against people and situations that can steal our joy; the very joy that gives us a rich and satisfying life.  The enemy loves nothing more than to see your day and your disposition take a downward spiral.  It’s much like a thief creating a diversion so he can and rob us.
The book of Philippians is a testimony to the fact that our joy doesn’t have to be based on our circumstances. It is choice; a mindset.  We cannot be so focused on the diversion that we lose sight of the joy we have.
Recently, a dear friend truly lived out the illustration of this concept. Samantha and her husband were thrilled when they found out they were expecting their first child. Then, a few weeks into her pregnancy, there was a complication. Of course they were concerned and went to the doctor.  She was basically told to rest and that only time would tell. Samantha had a choice. She could allow worry and fear to consume her while she waited or she could choose to continue to rejoice over her pregnancy.  Samantha chose to be joyful. In the weeks that followed the symptoms of the complication came and went several times. My friend was unwavering in her joy. Finally, a few weeks ago they found the cause of the complication and thankfully it isn’t a threat to the baby.  She chose joy, despite her circumstances. What a testimony! She didn’t allow the thief to steal her joy. Samantha taught me a great lesson. Simply put, you cannot regain the time you lose worrying. Imagine if she would have fretted those weeks away when she could have been joyful.
I know it’s difficult to drown out the distractions and focus on being joyful. Still, that's exactly what we must do each and every day.  We need to overpower worry and fear with true joy, from the very depths of our hearts. Time spent worrying changes nothing and changes nothing. Time spent rejoicing is never wasted.  May we always choose joy!
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. (Philippians 4:4)
 Rejoice, my friends. Rejoice!


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