
I’ve just returned from the grocery store. Two hours, two carts and an envelope full of coupons later I arrive home.  As soon as my darling husband Randall hears the garage door open, he rallies the troops. By the troops, I mean whoever is in our house at the moment. It doesn’t matter if they live here or not. Our future son-in-law, Kevin found this out one of his first times in our home. He and Shelby were just relaxing and watching a movie when Randy called for all hands on deck. I think Kevin was a little shocked when the bags just kept coming.
I am always grateful for the help with carrying the groceries. Once I did go shopping and came home to an empty house. As I trudged back and forth carrying bags I really missed my helpers. I found that things go much better when you have someone to help carry your burdens, even if they are groceries.
Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2)
I wish all our burdens were as easy to carry as groceries.  Unfortunately sometimes our burdens feel more like a baby grand piano. Whether the burden is big or small, we’re told to carry it for each other. That means putting aside pride and asking for help. Sometimes people don’t even know you’re struggling. We need to find someone we can trust and ask for help. It also means being on the lookout for burdens in the lives of others.
Today I would like to encourage you reach out to others. If you need help with a burden, don’t bear it alone any longer. Talk to a friend, your pastor or someone who will pray with you and for you. Let’s also be purposeful in seeking out people who are burdened down and try to lighten their load.
The enemy of your soul would love to see you struggling under what seems like the dead weight of your burden.  Don’t give him the satisfaction. Find a friend and get that burden to the Lord!


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