Time Lapse Faith Vision

                Have you ever watched time lapse videos? I find them fascinating. To see a seed progress into a flower or watch the sun rise high into the sky and eventually set on the horizon captivates me.  Seeing great progress in such a brief time span encourages me.  On some level it speaks to my impatient heart and reminds me that even though I cannot always see it, something is happening.

                As parents, our most important job is to sow seeds of faith in our children’s lives. We sow, nurture, pray, and hope. Sometimes we wonder if anything is happening.  We wait for the first signs of growth and then do our best to protect and encourage the small shoot to grow stronger. On and on the process goes, slowly over time.  It is easy to become weary and discouraged.  

                This afternoon I was having an amazing conversation about the Lord with my youngest son.  He was asking some very deep questions and expressing some very mature thoughts. It was one of those heartwarming parenting moments that stay with you forever.  

After the conversation ended, I was alone with my thoughts.  As I sat there, I was reminded of a video of a seed blooming into a beautiful flower. It was shot over many weeks and captured in thousands of shots. I truly felt the Lord speak to my heart and say that HE had given me my own special “time lapse” moment.  I was humbled as I replayed snapshots in my mind that led to the moment I’d just experienced with my son.  What a gift!

                Today I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who blesses my often inpatient heart with the ability to see that HE is at work in my children’s lives.

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 1:6)
#timelapse #growingfaith


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