The Faithbook Experiment

                This morning began as most of my days typically do. I wake up, try to figure out what day it is and then ask the Lord to bless and protect my family as we go about the day. After that, I greet my children and reach for my coffee cup. Next, I grab my Bible and journal and look for a quiet place to spend some time with the Lord. Somewhere in the process I also grab my phone. 

                As I sat there, I absentmindedly picked up my phone and started checking texts, emails, and Facebook.  In that moment as my fingers slid across the screen I felt the Lord speak to my heart.  I put down my phone and grabbed my journal and began to write. 

What if I got up each morning and grabbed my Bible instead of my phone?

What if I was more interested in what Jesus was doing than what my “friends” were doing?

What is I compulsively grabbed my Bible and opened as often as I open texts, email and apps?

                As I pondered these questions I wondered what this would look like. My first thought is that I would look weird.  We live in a world where it is normal to focus our attention on our phones and tablets.  In our society it is normal to hold on to your phone the way Linus holds his trusty blanket. Our devices have become a sort of security blanket in many situations. We look at our screens to avoid feeling awkward or to avoid interaction with others. 

                My thoughts continued to flow from my mind, to the pen, and onto the page. 

How often do I use my phone as a security blanket?

Would I have the courage to replace it with a small Bible?

Would people think I was a weird Jesus freak?

Would this offend people?

                I decided there was only one way to truly answer these questions.  Tomorrow I am going to begin my Faithbook Experiment. My husband has a small Bible that is about the same size as a small tablet. This little Bible is going to replace my phone in situations where I rely on an electronic security blanket or feel I just need to fill time. I’m not going off the grid or ditching my phone.  I simply want to be more intentional about how I fill my time and more importantly, my soul.  My objective is to see how this experiment impacts my life and my faith. This isn’t about being “in anyone’s face” or drawing attention to myself. However, if someone asks me about it, I will answer honestly.  

                Over the next few weeks I will update you on the results of my Faithbook Experiment. Feel free to join me if you are so led. If you do, I’d love to hear from you.  


#faithbook   #faithbookexperiment


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