The Faithbook Experiment - Vulnerability

            As #TheFaithbookExperiment continues it is beginning to feel like a big calling. Honestly, it is a little intimidating. I’m reminded that I am so very human. I’m just a woman, not highly educated or of great means. When The Faithbook Experiment began, I confessed one of my concerns was what others would think of me.  As I share my journey, I am doing my best to be totally transparent. Putting myself out there, sharing my weaknesses and sins leaves me open to criticism. Vulnerability isn’t easy.

            This morning as I was in the Word, Ezekiel spoke to my sometimes timid heart. The Lord used it to remind me that I am just supposed to speak (or in this case write) and not fear what others will say or think. What freedom there is in such a mindset! How I long to embrace it.  For so long I thought that to be an effective woman of God I had to have it all together. I’ve learned that isn’t true. I don’t have it all together. Many times I fail.  Sometimes I am example of how not to do it.  By being vulnerable and showing my less than pretty parts, God is glorified as He is made more and I am made less (John 3:30). 

            My pastor, Jonathan Misirian, often says, “We’re all a mess and we’re all broken”. My hope is that in sharing the broken, jagged, and tarnished areas of my life, the enemy will lose power and obstacles (idols) between me and God will be removed. So I continue to seek the Lord with the desire of removing stumbling blocks and growing ever closer HIM. 



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