“Faithbook Experiment”

Day 1
(4 a.m.)

            I awoke at 4 a.m. and felt the Spirit’s gentle nudge to go downstairs and grab my Bible. I responded by rolling over and trying to go back to sleep. The nudges didn’t go away. I looked at the clock and decided that if I was still awake at 4:30, I would get out of bed. At 4:30 I decided that if I was still awake at 5, I would get out of bed. When 5 a.m. came and went, I told myself that if the Lord was really trying to draw me into the Word, I would get up at 5:30. At 5:20 my husband went from sleeping quietly beside me to snoring like a freight train. I got the hint and finally pulled myself out of bed.

            As I walked through the family room toward the living room I saw my phone glowing in the darkness. I hesitated near it for a moment, wondering to myself if this was some kind of test. Somehow, I felt as if I should open the message that had lit up the screen. When I opened it I saw:
            “Sorry if this is too late, please don’t read or respond if it is, but Wowzers. God is about to do something big!”

            I was now wide awake! With eyes wide open, I hurried to the sofa and opened my Bible. Recently, I‘ve been spending some time in Ezekiel, so it seemed a good place to begin. As I read chapter 14, God’s Word spoke to my heart. In this chapter the Lord is talking about idols that the Israelites have set up in their hearts and stumbling blocks before their faces. HE also talks about recapturing their hearts.

            To quote my friend, “Wowzers!” Idolatry. Not just idolatry, but idolatry I’ve set up in my heart. Stumbling blocks put before my face. HE had my full attention. I jotted down the word, idolatry in my journal. After it, I penned the definition,

            Any person, activity or thing I give higher priority to than my relationship with the Lord.

I continued to jot down questions and thoughts that came to mind.

Is The Faithbook Experiment about tearing down idols?

Will replacing some of my distractions and diversions bring me closer to HIM?

Is that what’s going on here? A recapturing of my heart?

Day one got off to a rocky start. For an hour and a half I put off answering the prompting I felt. I can certainly identify obedience as an area to work on. I’m so thankful that HE didn’t give up on me and met me there once I finally got out of bed. I’m left with more questions than answers at this point. However, I'm trusting the answers will come. Right now it is just my job to obey HIS prompting and press on with The Faithbook Experiment.




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