
Showing posts from March, 2015

The Faithbook Experiment - Vulnerability

            As #TheFaithbookExperiment continues it is beginning to feel like a big calling. Honestly, it is a little intimidating. I’m reminded that I am so very human. I’m just a woman, not highly educated or of great means. When The Faithbook Experiment began, I confessed one of my concerns was what others would think of me.   As I share my journey, I am doing my best to be totally transparent. Putting myself out there, sharing my weaknesses and sins leaves me open to criticism. Vulnerability isn’t easy.             This morning as I was in the Word, Ezekiel spoke to my sometimes timid heart. The Lord used it to remind me that I am just supposed to speak (or in this case write) and not fear what others will say or think. What freedom there is in such a mindset! How I long to embrace it.   For so long I thought that to be an effective woman of God I had to have it all together. I’ve learned that isn’t true. I don’t have it all together. Many times I fail.   Sometimes I am


            “The Faithbook Experiment continues. This morning I awoke unusually early for a Saturday. As tomorrow is Palm Sunday, so many thoughts were on my heart as I opened my Bible.   I read the various accounts in the gospels telling of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem to shouts of Hosanna. What a joyous moment it must have been for HIS followers! They weren’t expecting what was about to happen. Their eyes hadn’t been opened. They didn’t yet know that God’s plan was playing out before their very eyes.             Jesus’ arrest, torture, trial, and crucifixion didn’t make sense to them. It wasn’t what they were expecting. After Jesus was placed in the tomb the disciples thought it was all over. The glory that was about to happen took them by surprise.             That’s how it often is with me, even though I have an advantage the disciples didn’t have. The story is written in full and I know the ending. Yet, sometimes I lose hope, get discouraged, and think all is lost.

“Faithbook Experiment”

Day 1 (4 a.m.)             I awoke at 4 a.m. and felt the Spirit’s gentle nudge to go downstairs and grab my Bible. I responded by rolling over and trying to go back to sleep. The nudges didn’t go away. I looked at the clock and decided that if I was still awake at 4:30, I would get out of bed. At 4:30 I decided that if I was still awake at 5, I would get out of bed. When 5 a.m. came and went, I told myself that if the Lord was really trying to draw me into the Word, I would get up at 5:30. At 5:20 my husband went from sleeping quietly beside me to snoring like a freight train. I got the hint and finally pulled myself out of bed.             As I walked through the family room toward the living room I saw my phone glowing in the darkness. I hesitated near it for a moment, wondering to myself if this was some kind of test. Somehow, I felt as if I should open the message that had lit up the screen. When I opened it I saw:             “Sorry if this is too late, pleas

The Faithbook Experiment

                This morning began as most of my days typically do. I wake up, try to figure out what day it is and then ask the Lord to bless and protect my family as we go about the day. After that, I greet my children and reach for my coffee cup. Next, I grab my Bible and journal and look for a quiet place to spend some time with the Lord. Somewhere in the process I also grab my phone.                  As I sat there, I absentmindedly picked up my phone and started checking texts, emails, and Facebook.   In that moment as my fingers slid across the screen I felt the Lord speak to my heart.   I put down my phone and grabbed my journal and began to write.  What if I got up each morning and grabbed my Bible instead of my phone? What if I was more interested in what Jesus was doing than what my “friends” were doing? What is I compulsively grabbed my Bible and opened as often as I open texts, email and apps?                 As I pondered these questions I w


                As I hit “send” I noticed a small box in the lower corner of my phone informing me I had two seconds to cancel. I was being given a brief window of opportunity to consider what I said and make certain I wanted to say it. That little prompt inspired one of those moments where you purse your lips, sigh, and shake your head in understanding. It reminded me that words are powerful and should be used with great care. Once you’ve “hit send” you cannot retrieve your words. God’s Word speaks to this subject over and over.   Proverbs 21:23 says: “Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble”.                 How often our words get us into trouble!   How often do we say something and immediately regret what we’ve said? What disturbs me the most is when I question where ugly, hateful or hurtful words come from.   Matthew 15:18 (MSG) cuts me through and through.                 “ But what comes out of the mouth gets its start in the heart. It’s