Finding Broken Glass With Your Bare Feet

The glass just slipped out of my hands and hit the floor, shattering into pieces. Of course I was barefoot.  Standing in the middle of small razor-like shards of glass I called for someone to bring me a broom and dustpan.  Keeping the kids at a distance I reached out for the broom and began trying to sweep my way to safety. I went over the kitchen several times confident that I had found it all. An hour later I walked into the kitchen to start dinner and the bottom of my foot found a piece of glass that I missed. Limping into the bathroom I found a tweezers, pulled out the glass, and put on a Spiderman bandage.
On my way back to the kitchen I grabbed a pair of shoes since my confidence in my sweeping skills was wavering.  I decided run the broom over the floor another time or two, just in case. Thankfully I did because I found two more pieces of glass.
I really thought I had gotten rid of all the glass. Doing what I thought was a thorough job, I was confident enough to walk barefoot into the kitchen. Unfortunately, I wasn’t rid of all the glass.
Trying to rid ourselves of feelings of bitterness and anger can be a lot like dealing with broken glass. We see the issue; make an effort to clean it up only to realize that we missed a few sharp pieces. One minute you’re walking in confidence and then with one misstep you’re hobbling in pain. Sometimes there are more small pieces than you ever realized. Thankfully God sees all those pieces and is able to remove them. We can’t do it on our own.
God’s Word is tool we need to sweep away the shards of anger, and bitterness. If you are struggling in this area, I truly encourage you to immerse yourself in scripture. Make it your heart’s cry and a personal prayer.
Ephesians 4:31 says:
“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice”
I encourage you to search out scripture on bitterness, rage and anger. Meditate on it and pray about it.  Sweep the shards of bitterness and anger from your path so that you can walk in confidence.

Be blessed my friends!


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