Close to His Heart

                The other morning I spent some time in Isaiah, specifically in chapter 40. I didn’t get very far because I was so struck by the imagery these words painted in my heart and mind. Verse 11 says:
“He will feed his flock like a shepherd. He will carry the lambs in his arms, holding them close to his heart. He will gently lead the mother sheep with their young”.
The picture of Him carrying a lamb close to His heart was so precious to me. As a mother I have often cradled my children close to my heart. I’ve held them tightly in my arms and rubbed my cheek over their hair, breathing in their sweetness. In such moments I am completely overwhelmed at how intensely I love them. The idea of holding someone you love close to your heart is one I can completely understand.  
Reading this text in Isaiah was one of those “light bulb” moments. I know God loves me, I truly believe that. The image of Him holding me close to His very heart completely overwhelmed me and gave me a new understanding of His love. If I, a sinner, can love so intensely then how much more can a perfect Father love? How wonderfully safe am I in His arms?
          As always, I am amazed at how, at just the right time, His Word comes to life, comforting and encouraging me. I am so thankful for this beautiful truth. When I am tempted to feel frightened, alone and insecure, I just need to remember that my Father is carrying me, close to His heart.
          I pray that this image speaks to your hearts too!
                                                Be blessed, my friends!


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