Anything & Everything

            Anxiety is defined by our friend, Noah Webster as “an extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some contingency”. I find it interesting that the word “contingency” means something that may, but is not certain to occur. I also find the word “brooding” to be a great visual. I picture a hen incubating her eggs. In my mind’s eye I see her just sitting on her eggs, hovering and not moving.
          When you break it down in those terms, anxiety doesn’t paint a pretty picture. Anxiety is choosing to allow your thoughts to loom over an event that may not even happen. Should the event happen the energy you’ve spent won’t change a thing.
          This morning my studies took me to a familiar passage. Philippians 4:6-7.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”.
          I must confess that I do struggle with anxious thoughts. Like many of you, I have seasons of anxiety over a variety of things. This passage is familiar to me as I’ve visited it often. Today as I read it again I was struck by the words “anything” and “everything”. I love how alive God’s Word is and the fact that there is always a new nugget of truth to discover. As I read the passage I kept going back to those two words. I believe both words are all inclusive. So I opened my journal and began to list anything and everything that makes me anxious. Leaving nothing out, I listed it all no matter how trivial.
          After my list was complete I prayed. My first focus was on all I had to be thankful for, especially the fact that God loves me enough to help rid me of my anxious thoughts. Then I read my list to the Lord and asked for peace, His peace. My longing is for that deep, deep peace that penetrates my very soul. I realize that life may take me through some trials but my heart’s cry is that peace will resonate as I endure difficult days. I also don’t want to waste the time I’ve been given brooding over something that may not even happen.
          My friends, today I am wondering what your list of “anything” and “everything” looks like? As of my last report people in 14 countries were reading this blog. While continents separate us, I don’t think we are that different. We all struggle. My prayer for each of you is that you will make your list of “anything” and “everything” and lay it at His feet.  As I pray for myself in this, I am going to pray for you. I would love it if you’d do the same.
          May we all have the peace that transcends understanding!
                                                          Be blessed, my friends!


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