Red Coffee Cups


     Politics, religion, and opinions, social media is filled with them! Each day our news feed offers new and creative things to offend Christians. We are called to boycott, sign petitions, and “share” the latest hot topic. Most recently, a red paper coffee cup has people up in arms. Starbucks is changing only the color of their cup this season. There will be no Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen or Jesus in a manger on the cups. This fact has some people hotter than the temperature of Grande low-fat peppermint mocha.

            Earlier today, after scrolling through various opinions on “the red cup”, I began to ponder it all. Have we turned finding things to be offended by into a full time ministry? What message does this send to non-believers? What merits mounting a soapbox to proclaim our opinions and express our offense? Are we appropriately applying God’s Word when it comes to politics or are we using it to further our own agenda? These are questions that each of us must answer through careful examination of our own hearts. 

            As I went into prayer, the Lord impressed John 13:35 on my heart.

“Everyone will know by this that you are my disciples--if you have love for one another."

We show our love and devotion for the Lord by loving others. The Holy Spirit reminded me that the world will know we are Christians by our love, not by our politics or political activism. It is about what comes out of our lips, not what is on the coffee cup we put to our lips. We don’t need a cross on our coffee cups to show Jesus to the world. Buying an extra cup of coffee and giving it to a homeless person will get the message across, even if the cup is just red. 

            Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t think we should be ignorant of current events or cease to have an opinion. We just need to take a step back and remember who we are and what we are called to do.  Are we consistently showing the world the love of God or are we consistently expressing anger and outrage? James 1:20 reminds us:

“Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.”

            Today I’m thankful for a plain red coffee cup because it has caused me to examine my heart and my motives. My prayer is that I will be more passionate and focused on sharing the love of Jesus with everyone the Lord puts in my path. 

May the Lord richly bless each of you!


#redcoffeecups  #John13:35


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