Word Cloud


         Recently, Facebook offered users the opportunity to have a visual created showing the words they most used over the past year.  This simple cloud of words speaks volumes about us as individuals. In Matthew 12:34 we are told:

            The mouth speaks about what overflows from the heart.”

In other words, what we say reveals the depth of our hearts. Knowing this, I must admit it was with some trepidation that I hit the button to create my cloud. After all, social media gives us the opportunity to share our thoughts with countless people.  That opportunity also comes with great responsibility.  Words are powerful and we are going to be accountable for how we use them.

            “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:37 ESV)

            The Lord used this simple visual on Facebook to remind me that I must choose my words carefully.  I am responsible for each keystroke, status update, comment, and Tweet. After pondering that thought I found myself wishing there was an app that could give me daily feedback on my words, both written and spoken aloud. Then, the Holy Spirit reminded me that I don’t need an app. I need to be attuned to His voice. Each day I need to walk with the Spirit and be filled with His fruits. 

            I continue to be amazed at the ways God reveals truth to us. Who would have thought that a simple Facebook visual would be so powerful? I’m grateful that the Holy Spirit used this to prompt me and remind me what the Word says about the words I use. I encourage you to create your own cloud and look it over. More importantly, let’s all be encouraged to search out scriptures to store in our hearts so that His truth will be the overflow of our hearts.

                                                                        Be blessed!



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