Welcome to my blog!

                Welcome to my blog! This blog has been an idea in my head for many years. Even before blogs existed, I have been blogging. My closet is filled with notebooks I’ve filled with thoughts, devotionals, short stories, poems, songs and an unfinished book.  I also have files and files on our hard drive filled with more of the same.  
          Several months ago, Randall, my husband came to me and encouraged me to pursue writing on a serious level. He had been praying for me and truly felt led to give me a push to pursue my passion. With his support, along with encouragement from my family and friends, I’m doing just that.
 My purpose in blogging is to share what I hope will be encouraging thoughts with you.  It is my prayer that what I write will minister to you.       This blog is more of a “life journal”, filled with experiences I’ve had as a Christian, woman, wife, mother and friend. My hope is that a visit to my blog will feel like a visit to my home.  I promise to be very real and transparent in what I share. I’d love for your visits here to feel as if we’re sharing a cup of coffee at my dining room table.
Please know that I am prayerfully considering each keystroke and I am also praying for those of you who choose to spend a little time with me. My plan is to frequently add new blogs. If you would like to be notified of updates, please follow me on Twitter @lesliemanske.
Again, thank you for visiting!


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