Stuck in the Molasses Swamp

          Have you ever played “Candyland” with your children?  Even if you don’t have children, you’ve likely played a game or two of Candyland at one point or another in your life. Being the mother of five children, I have played my fair share of board games.  I remember my excitement when our first born, Shelby, was old enough to sit down at the table and play a game. It was a great deal more fun than eating the plastic food she prepared for me in her party kitchen.  Not that plastic green beans, rubber French fries and rubber grapes weren’t delicious; I was just ready for something more.
          I remember calling my husband at the office to let him know that we were about to begin our first game of Candyland.  An hour later, when he called to see how it went, my reply was, “I’ve been stuck in the Molasses Swamp for twenty minutes!” Over the course of twenty-two years of motherhood, I have spent my fair share of time in the Molasses Swamp, climbing a ladder only to be sent down a chute, in Monopoly Jail, and being sent “home” with a pop of the dice in a plastic cup.
          Spiritually, I have also spent time in the Molasses Swamp, had my plans put into a holding pattern that felt a bit like being detailed in a jail, and circumstances brought upon me have set me back.  I would love to tell you that I’ve endured these seasons and what I’ve viewed as setbacks with joy and peace.  Like most people, when I am knee deep in molasses my only thought is how to get out.  Rather than blowing up a raft and floating in the swamp, I tend to try to paddle, wade and flounder. 
          I need to constantly remind myself, when I am in a spiritual swamp (or desert, if you prefer) that God has placed me there for a reason and a season.  The older I get, the more I realize life is full of reasons and seasons. We may not always know the reasons thing happen, at least this side of Heaven, but we can rest assured that HE has a reason, a perfect and righteous reason for everything.  When something happens, perhaps a huge bill that sets us back financially, I need to realize that nothing happens to me outside HIS good and perfect will.  My life and circumstances are not determined by a “pop” of the dice inside a plastic cup, nor are they determined by a draw of a card.
          Philippians 2:13 tells us:  for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.
I am so grateful that we have the assurance that HE is at work in us, even when we can’t see what is being accomplished.  In my finite, human mind I cannot see things clearly from an eternal perspective. Only God, in HIS infinite wisdom knows what is best for me.
          In times that feel uncertain to me I am so comforted by HIS word and promises.
          Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
          HIS Word also assures my soul.
          Romans 8:28 offers this blessed assurance:  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
          Think about that! The God who created the universe is working for my good! HE loves us that much.  You and I are not pawns or game pieces moving at random through life.  HE has a plan for us. HE paid the highest price for our redemption and is intimately interested in our lives, as a loving Father.
          The next time I find myself in the Molasses Swamp or am sent back to “go” without collecting my two hundred dollars, I am going to purpose to spend that time trusting, waiting and with HIS grace, growing in HIM.


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