I'm Surrounded

 As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore. (Psalm 125:2)
            Last month I spent several mornings reading various Psalms.  On one of those mornings, I was reading Psalm 125.   As I read verse two, I was struck by the word “surrounds”.  Being a visual person, words and phrases frequently evoke pictures in my mind.  The first image in my mind was a parent’s arms lovingly encircling their child.  God, our loving Father, surrounds us with HIS presence, both now and forevermore!  We are never alone.  HE is always with us.
            I realize the truth that HE is always with us isn’t something I hadn’t heard before.  However, the image of a loving God surrounding me in HIS embrace was just what I needed that morning.  As I continued to think about this verse, I wrote down my thoughts, as I often do.  I thought about how, as parents, we surround our children. Randy and I often walked on either side of our children, our arms encircling them, drawing them in and keeping them safe.  It made me feel secure, knowing that the arms that are around me, drawing me in, are capable of keeping me secure for eternity.
            Circumstances in life can easily lead to insecurity. I don’t know what you’re facing today. Perhaps it’s financial difficulty, a troubled marriage, illness, loneliness, or any number of other challenges.  My prayer is that as you go through your day you will remember the words and the promise of this Psalm.  Whatever you are dealing with, you are surrounded.  When you’re tempted to worry, take a deep breath and picture HIS arms around you.


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