Water From A Rock? Absolutely!

            You can’t get blood from a turnip and you can’t squeeze water from a stone. We’ve all heard these idioms. Both of these phrases give examples of what is impossible. No one would argue the truth that squeezing water from a stone is not humanly possible. Logic and science tell us this cannot be done. However, Exodus 17:5-6 tells an entirely different story.
The Lord answered Moses, “Bring some of the leaders of Israel with you, and go to where the people can see you. Take the staff you used to strike the Nile River. 6 I’ll be standing in front of you there by a rock at Mount Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.”
            As I read this account, I am reminded how powerful our God is. Nothing is too difficult for Him! That’s a truth that is sometimes difficult to wrap my human mind around. In life we face situations that we deem impossible. We have relationships that we consider to be beyond reconciliation. There are people we believe to be beyond hope. In times when life is filled with situations that we cannot humanly handle, relationships that are beyond our ability to repair, and people everywhere who appear hopeless; we need to rest in the truth that our God is all powerful. He can bring forth water from a stone. At His command, the sea was parted. No situation is too difficult for Him!
            I don’t know where you are today. Maybe you’re exhausted because you’ve been squeezing a stone without success, only to remain parched. Perhaps you’re mourning the death of a relationship that you’ve worked tirelessly to revive. Possibly there is someone in your life you have given up on, or maybe you’ve just given up on yourself.  Place whatever it is you’ve been trying in vain to accomplish on your own in His capable hands. Chances are you’re already exhausted, so go ahead and find rest in Him. Give Him your burdens, broken dreams, and shattered relationships. Trust in Him and watch Him work all things for good, according to His perfect will.
            The Bible is full of example after example of the impossible things our God has done. Take your focus off your “impossible” situation, dig into His Word, and see for yourself what He has done. Rest in His ability and power and you will be encouraged and refreshed. Keep your eyes fixed on Him and prepare to be amazed!

                                                                        Be Blessed!


  1. Amen, sister! This is an encouraging word for EVERY heart today! Be blessed, Leslie, and thanks for your obedience in sharing. =0)


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