
Showing posts from 2018

Be Still

                I am blessed to be able to watch my grandson, Noah, while my daughter and son-in-law are at work. He is the most adorable two year old. Noah is also smart, funny, sweet, and very strong willed. I often jokingly tell my daughter that he gets his strong will from her. Other times, I contribute this trait to my husband. However, today I realized this little apple is very much like me.                 Today, after reading him a half dozen books and giving in to his plea for “nuther” book a few times, we settled down to rock, pray, and relax before his nap. This is our daily routine. We cuddle, talk about Jesus, and then Noah says “AMEN.” This afternoon Noah was exceptionally wiggly and distracted by a number of things. It took some patience on my part to get him to be still, relax while I held him, and take the nap I knew he needed. When he finally cuddled in and did what I asked of him, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “He is so much like you, Leslie.”       

Barbells and Church Bells

                I recently began weight training to become stronger and more fit. It isn’t easy. In fact, it is a lot of work. The process involves a great deal more than just having the membership and showing up.   Each day at the gym I have to be intentional about the muscle groups I work. In addition to weight training, I need to do cardio to keep my heart healthy.   When I leave the gym I am sweaty, tired, and often have blisters on my hands.   It doesn’t end there. There are disciplines involved.   In order to get the results I desire, I need to eat properly and hydrate myself. Thankfully, there is also a time to rest and recover.                 This process involves commitment and active participation. I can’t just stand around the gym and watch others do the work. Additionally, I need to be consistent with my workout schedule. I can’t just show up once a week and expect success. I am also learning that this journey is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes time. The result

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

                Have you ever hosted or attended a party that involved confetti? If so, then you know that long after the party is over, bits of confetti remain. You find them in the strangest places days or even months later, a reminder of the celebration. The colorful pieces manage to work their way into corners, under furniture, between pages of books, and other hidden places. Guests you’ve invited to the celebration unknowingly take some with them as they go on their way. I believe that if we had the ability to tag and track confetti, we would see a map with lines extending from your home to places all over the country, and maybe even across the world.                  So, you’re probably wondering what my sudden obsession with confetti is all about. Let me explain. This morning I was praying about generosity because it is a topic that has been on my heart for several months now. As I prayed today the Lord reminded me that generosity has many facets and like the facets o


Last night before I went to sleep I was spending time with the Lord. Typically my nighttime devotions are spent going over my day with the Lord.   However, last night I felt led to spend the time in praise. As I lay there praising Him I was struck by how small and even inadequate my praises seemed. I wondered if I should get up and stand or maybe fall to my knees. Was laying there praising Him enough? Tears rolled down my cheeks as I offered words or praise. I, a mere human, was talking to Almighty God. I confessed how inadequate I felt to Him. What words are even close to enough to praise the One who spoke the world into existence? How can you articulate how awestruck you are by the One who parted the Red Sea? Thank you is such a small offering to the One who left Heaven to come to earth to pay the highest price for my sin. Being a person who loves words, I lay there composing praise to the best of my ability. I praised Him with psalms of my own making. As I d

Hope Floats

One of my favorite movie quotes is from Hope Floats. Roger Stevens, the writer of the screenplay wrote these words that inspire me. “Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.” These words have especially been on my heart and mind this week as a chapter of my life has come to an end. As some of you may know, I have had the great joy to be employed as a fitness coach at the local Curves. Sadly, our club will close permanently tomorrow. Curves has been such a blessing in my life. My journey there began in 2004. Shortly after joining, I became employed there. Over the years I have been blessed, encouraged, and inspired by the close-knit community that is Curves. Gail Bartz-Levin, the owner and my dear friend lovingly created this family of women she affectionately calls her “Curvettes.” Together, as a community, we ha