Hope Floats

One of my favorite movie quotes is from Hope Floats. Roger Stevens, the writer of the screenplay wrote these words that inspire me.

“Beginnings are usually scary, endings are usually sad, but it's what's in the middle that counts. So when you find yourself at the beginning, just give hope a chance to float up. And it will.”

These words have especially been on my heart and mind this week as a chapter of my life has come to an end. As some of you may know, I have had the great joy to be employed as a fitness coach at the local Curves. Sadly, our club will close permanently tomorrow. Curves has been such a blessing in my life. My journey there began in 2004. Shortly after joining, I became employed there. Over the years I have been blessed, encouraged, and inspired by the close-knit community that is Curves. Gail Bartz-Levin, the owner and my dear friend lovingly created this family of women she affectionately calls her “Curvettes.” Together, as a community, we have laughed together, cried together, mourned together, celebrated together, and walked beside one another. We have grown stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

As I look back at the experience, Roger Stevens’ quote aptly sums it up. Thinking back over the years, I recall so many women beginning their journey at Curves. Many walked through the door for the first time feeling scared. Scared to begin something new, scared of failure, and scared to take the first step. They soon found that our club was a place where they were embraced, accepted, and encouraged. With each lap around the circuit, they gained confidence, friends, and health. Each member’s story shares this familiar theme. With each lap around the sun, we added pages to our story.

Tomorrow that story comes to an end. While I am sad, I find that I am even more grateful. I’m grateful to have been part of this. I am grateful to have seen so many “scary beginnings” become meaningful and successful middles, and grateful to have loved something so much that the ending makes me sad. This end finds us all at a new beginning and I’m confident that hope and something new will float up or as Isaiah 43:19 says, it will “spring up.”

See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Today I want to encourage you. If you find yourself facing a beginning, be courageous. Remember courage isn’t the absence of fear, its being afraid and doing it anyway. If you find yourself in the middle, work at it with all your heart and make it count. If you find yourself at the end, be grateful for what was and be confident that hope will float up.




  1. So good! This has been true over and over in my life. I like the meaningful middles the best, but sometimes I have been thrust to the end before I feel ready. This always reminds me that I took the middle fore granted. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful...even in the midst of the middle, because you don’t quite know when the end will come. Love your way with words. 💕


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