Be Still

                I am blessed to be able to watch my grandson, Noah, while my daughter and son-in-law are at work. He is the most adorable two year old. Noah is also smart, funny, sweet, and very strong willed. I often jokingly tell my daughter that he gets his strong will from her. Other times, I contribute this trait to my husband. However, today I realized this little apple is very much like me.

                Today, after reading him a half dozen books and giving in to his plea for “nuther” book a few times, we settled down to rock, pray, and relax before his nap. This is our daily routine. We cuddle, talk about Jesus, and then Noah says “AMEN.” This afternoon Noah was exceptionally wiggly and distracted by a number of things. It took some patience on my part to get him to be still, relax while I held him, and take the nap I knew he needed. When he finally cuddled in and did what I asked of him, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, “He is so much like you, Leslie.”

                As I sat there holding Noah I realized that I often am distracted and don’t follow the directions I know I should. Just as a two year old often tries to break free of a parent’s protective hand in a parking lot, I sometimes let go and run in another direction.  Other times when the Lord is calling me to rest in HIS presence, I fail to be still. I was so struck by this comparison. Then the Lord lovingly reminded me that just as I patiently work with Noah to follow my instructions, HE does the same with me.  It was such a lovely glimpse of God as a loving father.

                Today I am reminded that I am loved, protected, and cherished by my Heavenly Father, despite my strong will and tendency to wander. I also pray that when I have those moments, I will remember this afternoon and take HIS hand and relax in HIS hold.


For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. (Isaiah 41:13)

But I have calmed and quieted myself,  I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. (Psalm 131:2)


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