The Discipline of Silence

Good morning!

 I’d like to share an excerpt from my journal as I continue this journey, learning to be silent.


Removing distractions. Getting away from the sounds and noise that fill my ears and mind. Learning to quiet myself and just be with the Lord. Reclining on HIM as John did. No great revelation, but peace and calmness. It was a struggle to get here. I’m used to the noise. The distraction has become oddly comforting, almost like “white noise” filling my mind and the atmosphere.

As I sat on my sofa, journaling those words, I glanced out my patio doors. It is really windy here today. Random pieces of newspaper that escaped someone’s recycling bin are blowing about my yard. They’re flying up, down, and all about. At the edge of my patio, is a brick bonfire pit. Unlike the newspaper, it is unmoved. The substance of the bricks is greater than the force of the wind acting upon it.

For a moment or two, what I was seeing didn’t really seem to connect to anything, but I remained quiet. Then HE spoke to my heart. Just last night, the Monday night group I attend was studying James. This scripture came to mind:

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith, without doubting, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.  That man should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.

Pardon the pun, but I was blown away! God created me to be a visual person. I guess it shouldn’t surprise me when HE provides visual examples of what HE is teaching me. The newspapers are flimsy and no match for the gusts of wind. However, the bonfire pit is stable and firmly seated on its foundation.

These quiet times, alone with HIM are sure firmly anchoring me on a foundation that will not be shaken. How grateful I am that HE called me to silence and spoke to my heart in those moments.

Wishing you blessings!




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