Dreams, Goals and a Paradigm Shift

                Awhile back, I was praying and pondering many things. I sensed I was entering a new season of life and wasn’t quite sure exactly what was in store. Unlike the girl I was in the past, I wasn’t anxious or unsettled. Instead, as I opened my heart to listen to the Lord, I felt a freedom to dream boldly about some longstanding heartfelt desires. Do I dare say that I felt a little like John, “the disciple who Jesus loved”? When I first studied John’s words, I was more than a little shocked. Now, as I’ve grown in the Lord, I have also grown to love that about John. His words have encouraged me to seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with Jesus. It is wonderful to feel secure in HIS love. But that is a blog for another day!

                As I prayed, I shared my desires and questioned whether or not I was called to certain things. Perhaps, at 52 years old, it was just too late to begin some things. As the conversation progressed, I felt my heart open to new possibilities. Matthew 19:26 was impressed upon my heart. 

                Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

“Impossible dreams”, long tucked away, came to mind and I mentally moved them from the “impossible” file to the “your will be done” file. Truth be told, there were a few dreams that I archived under “you’re crazy to even entertain this”.  Time passed and then last month the principal and executive director of my children’s school contacted me. She informed me that my name came up as a potential candidate for the school board. I almost dropped the phone.  One of those dreams I had been tempted to tuck away as impossible was suddenly appearing to be possible! Years ago, the thought that I’d like to serve on the school board came to mind from what seemed like nowhere. I’d never spoken to anyone but the Lord about it and had in no way pursued it. Honestly, the thought seemed so out of left field that I didn’t even give it a chance.

After I regained my composure, I told the principal that I was humbled and honored and would pray about it and get back to her. A few days later, the process began. Last week I received my official welcome to the school board letter! Needless to say, 2017 is off to a very exciting beginning. I am truly humbled and honored to serve in this new position. I know that I must rely on the Lord to grant me wisdom and discernment in this and all things. 

I guess that at 52, it isn’t too late to dream dreams and begin new things. I’ve experienced a real paradigm shift. This year begins with excited and hopeful expectation. The “you’re crazy to even entertain this” file has been emptied into the “your will be done” file. I’m reminded that “HE doesn’t call the equipped, but rather quips the called” is not a trite cliché. 

For me, 2017 is going to be a year to recline on the Lord, sharing my hopes and dreams and then trusting in HIM to bring them to pass according to HIS will. It is a new year and a new season. I pray that you will also open your hearts to hope and dream this year and always! 

Wishing you all a blessed 2017!



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