Choose Love

Inauguration day is almost here. As I scroll through my Facebook news feed, I am struck by how diverse a group my friends are. Seeing your “likes” and comments has been eye opening, in a good way. I’ve come to realize that I don’t have cookie cutter friends. You are unique individuals with strong convictions, opinions, and beliefs. Among you are Christians, agnostics, atheists, Democrats, Republicans, socialists, liberals, conservatives, and everything in-between. Inauguration Day has the potential to cause a great divide, given the many opinions held by my friends. However, I am choosing to reject the divide and love each of you for the unique person you are. I believe that each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made and that we are called to love one another.  Casting love may not make enough ripples in this pond to reach the shore, but I hope it will radiate within my inner circle and outward to others.

 With Love,


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