
Showing posts from 2013

Striking Spiritual Gold

            While on my way to Bible Study the other day, I heard something interesting on the radio. Evidently, eucalyptus and acacia trees in Australia have struck gold. The report said that in times of drought the extensive root system of these trees go so deep in search of water that they literally strike gold. The gold is absorbed through the root system and traces of it can be found in the leaves and bark.             As I pondered this rather remarkable information, the Lord spoke to my heart. What a great illustration this is to us! As believers, we need to have a root system that is grounded deep to sustain us in times of spiritual or emotional drought. Like these trees, we are to have an extensive root system. We need a root system that will sustain us during those “desert seasons” of life.   As followers of Jesus, we need a root system that is deep enough to withstand any storm we may encounter in life.             Deep roots don’t happen overnight. Just as the trunk

Wallpaper Transfomation

The summer of 2013 will go down in history (at least, Manske Family History) as the summer of the great makeover. After the marriage of our oldest daughter, Shelby, we decided to move Ashley, Carly, Matthew, and Jacob to different bedrooms. Of course, it wasn’t as easy as just switching rooms. We decided to let each of the kids choose a theme for their rooms and then decorate according to the chosen theme. Like all projects, there was a chain reaction. Before it was all over we had redone the bedrooms, two bathrooms, three closets, and the main stairway/hallway.             Of all the projects we tacked, the stairway/hallway was the worst. The stairway was covered in hideous wallpaper that we’ve hated from the day we moved in. We’ve always wanted to get rid of it, but somehow we never got around to it. Part of our reason is that some of the paper was two stories high and on the stairway. Neither my husband nor I are fond of heights.  I confess we even wished that covering the wall s

Worship in a Hammock

This afternoon there were half a dozen things I felt I should have been doing. The “Martha” part of me struggled against the “Mary” part of me. Mary won.  Today I ignored the call of the vacuum, laundry, and dusting. Today I chose to sit at HIS feet.             I grabbed my Bible and my IPhone and met HIM there in the middle of the afternoon, in my backyard. It was one of the loveliest worship services I’ve ever attended. The bright blue sky was decorated with fluffy cotton ball clouds. There I was, in my hammock with praise and worship music floating on the air.  I read His Word and sang out loud. (I didn’t even care what the neighbors thought)  I felt His spirit touch me like a gentle breeze.             I continued to worship in my backyard sanctuary, praising the Creator of the Universe. As if on cue, I saw a brilliant red cardinal and the tiniest hummingbird. Talk about bringing the Word to life! It was almost too wonderful to take in.             It was a great worshi

"Recalculating Route"

I smile as I touch the view box on my phone and see Erin’s text message of three familiar words; “He’s got this”.   She’s sent it to me in response to the anxiety I am feeling over some things that are going on in my life right now.   “He’s got this” should be on our list of frequently sent “quick messages” menu.   Both of us are busy moms and the bulk of our communication is via text messages.   We remind one another quite often that whatever the situation we’re facing we can be certain God is in control. I’m grateful to have a friend like Erin to remind me that times only “feel” uncertain. The reality is that God has a plan for me. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) As I’ve said in previous blogs, sometimes we have to take detours. I live in Wisconsin where we have two seasons; winter and road construction. I’m very familiar with the concept of detours when

Father's Day-Honoring My Earthly Father & Heavenly Father

My father was a man of few words.   He chose his words carefully. Those who knew him best knew that when he had something to say it was worth listening to. He has been gone for 28 years now, yet I still count him as one of the wisest men I have ever met. He believed in minding your own business, carrying your own weight, and treating others the way you’d like to be treated. Financially, my father was undoubtedly the most conservative person I have ever known. The only debt he ever carried was a mortgage which he paid off in half the time of the note. He did not believe in debt. Well, let me qualify that statement. My father did not believe in financial debt.   He did believe in helping others.   I think of my dad whenever I read Romans 13:8 “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” Back in the day when it was acceptable, my dad picked up hitchhikers. He often stopped and bought them a hot mea

R.I.C.E. for the Soul

            As a mother of five, I’ve dealt with my fair share of sprains over the years. I’ve even suffered a few of my own. Long ago, I learned a little acronym for treatment of sprains. R.I.C.E. stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. After the injury, these steps help speed recovery.             The other day I was chatting with a friend who was hurting spiritually and emotionally. I was led to encourage her to take the time she needed to heal. My encouragement to her was to treat her spiritual injury in a manner similar to a physical one: with rest and elevation. As our conversation continued, she encouraged me to come up with a R.I.C.E. acronym for spiritual and emotional sprains.             After our conversation ended, I put my assignment on the back burner and forgot about it. However, this morning the Lord reminded me of it. Here are my thoughts.               R          Rest in the Lord.             I            Immobilize. Be still.         

Diamonds in the Sand

            Several years ago a friend of mine was vacationing in the Caribbean. One afternoon after snorkeling, she and her husband were walking along the beach. As my friend gently brushed her bare feet over the soft sand she felt something hard beneath. Bending down, she expected to pick up a shell but found instead, what appeared to be a diamond ring.   My friend showed it to her husband who laughed and totally discounted the idea that the ring could be real. In fact, he almost chucked it into the ocean. At her insistence, he gave her the ring and she slipped it in her pocket. They looked around the deserted beach in hopes of trying to find the owner. Eventually they made their way back to their hotel and forgot about the ring in her pocket.             When my friend returned home and began unpacking, she found the ring. A few days later she took it to a jeweler, just out of curiosity. It turned out that the ring was very old and very real. The largest diamond was well over