Striking Spiritual Gold

            While on my way to Bible Study the other day, I heard something interesting on the radio. Evidently, eucalyptus and acacia trees in Australia have struck gold. The report said that in times of drought the extensive root system of these trees go so deep in search of water that they literally strike gold. The gold is absorbed through the root system and traces of it can be found in the leaves and bark.
            As I pondered this rather remarkable information, the Lord spoke to my heart. What a great illustration this is to us! As believers, we need to have a root system that is grounded deep to sustain us in times of spiritual or emotional drought. Like these trees, we are to have an extensive root system. We need a root system that will sustain us during those “desert seasons” of life.  As followers of Jesus, we need a root system that is deep enough to withstand any storm we may encounter in life.
            Deep roots don’t happen overnight. Just as the trunk and branches of a tree take time to grow, so do the roots. While the roots aren’t visible to us, they are there just the same. A healthy and strong tree is evidence of the strong and extensive root system below.  The story of the eucalyptus and acacia trees reminded me how important our roots are. I need to be digging deep into God’s Word each day to nourish my soul. Likewise, I need to be in prayer, asking that HE will use HIS Word to strengthen me and root me deeply in HIM.  I can’t wait until the drought, storm or winds come to do this. After all, it takes time to grow deep roots.
            Only then, as my roots grow deep, will I experience a “spiritual gold rush”.  Psalm 119:162 says “I rejoice at your word as one who finds great treasure”.  God’s Word is a treasure!  Isaiah 55:11 assures us that God’s Word does not return void. If we are faithful in digging deep into God’s Word, we will “strike gold”. Not gold that is Au on the periodic table, but rather an inheritance that can never spoil, perish or be taken from you. Then, as our roots absorb the spiritual gold, it will be evidenced in our lives. Just as traces of gold are found in the eucalyptus and acacia trees, so will traces of the treasure of HIS Word be found in our lives.  Others will begin to see Jesus in us, at work in our everyday lives.
            My dear friends, I encourage you to grab your Bible go in search of gold. Dig in deep. Nourish yourself. Saturate yourself in HIS Word. Then go out in the world each day and let others see Jesus shining through in you. My prayer is that each of you will experience a true “spiritual gold rush”.
                                                            Blessings to you!


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