Foul Weather Friends

            We’re all familiar with the term “fair weather friend”.  A fair weather friend is one who is only around when circumstances are pleasant and possibly profitable. Today I am concentrating on another kind of friend that I like to call a “foul weather friend”.
            It is likely you have at least one of these foul weather friends. You know the type. They never call unless they need something from you and they are rarely available should you need something. They believe it is better to receive than give. A foul weather friend doesn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call you when they need a ride, a babysitter, a few dollars or a shoulder to cry on. While they saturate your shoulder, their shoulder is completely dry and unavailable. Friendship with a foul weather friend is, in simple terms, one sided.
            As I was reading the Psalms yesterday I was so struck by David’s relationship with God. David has been called “the man after God’s own heart”. In reading the Psalms we clearly see David’s friendship with God. David was human, just as we are. He succeeded and he failed. He praised God and he brought his requests before God.
            My journey through the Psalms took me to other authors too. As I read I saw passionate examples of praise and thanksgiving. I also saw heart wrenching pleas for healing and mercy.  Each verse impressed on my heart an example of the friendship God desires to have with us. He created us to have a relationship with Him. How it must grieve Him when we selfishly settle for a one-sided relationship.
            Like a foul weather friend, we only seek God when times are difficult. We run to him with a list of needs to provide. After the crisis is past or the need is met we quickly forget His provision. Sometimes we offer Him stiff and distracted conversation but for the most part we are non-communicative until we once again have a need.
            A relationship like this doesn’t flourish or grow. By our own selfishness we deny ourselves the true joy of knowing Him on a more intimate level.  We wonder why we aren’t changing, having victory over the things we battle, or being used in our church and community.
            Maybe these thoughts have struck a chord in your heart as well. Perhaps you’re wondering how to begin to make the transition from a foul weather friend to a true friend in your relationship with Him.  I believe the answer begins on your knees.  Simply ask Him to forgive you for being a foul weather friend. Then begin anew. It is truly that simple.
            Begin by simply spending time with Him, as you would any friend. It is so true that we are known by the company we keep. The more you are with Him the more you will become like Him. Communicate with Him in prayer. Get to know Him more intimately by reading His Word. Praise and worship Him daily. It may feel a bit stiff and awkward at first but I promise you that the more time you spend with Him, the more you will desire. It won’t just be a habit or discipline. It will be a fulfilling relationship and eternal friendship.
Be blessed, my friends!


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