
                Truth be told, I often struggle with staying focused. Focusing fully on a task does not come naturally to me. Over the years I have learned to disciple myself to maintain focus. For instance, I clean my house from one end to the other. I begin in the mudroom and then move on to the family room and so on. Should my task require me to leave the “zone” I am in, I am careful to immediately return and not be distracted by another task I may see. My goal is to give my whole focus to the task at hand.
          My lack of focus isn’t limited to domestic duties. Conversations with me can change on a dime. My poor husband learned early on that I don’t signal before a subject change. I am also prone to wander when shopping with someone. Something down the aisle catches my eye and I am off. Unfortunately my shopping partners are often unaware that Leslie has left the aisle and look a little unstable talking to themselves.
          Spiritually I sometimes struggle with maintaining focus too. My heart’s desire is to live my life wholly focused on God. Unfortunately, I get distracted. The other morning I was journaling and was struck by the word “wholehearted”. Psalm 119:10 says
I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.”
          In Luke 10:27 we are commanded:
"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'
          Proverbs 3:5 tell us:
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”
          These verses got me thinking about the fact that something is either all or a fraction of. When it comes to love and trust, most of us would agree that all is the goal. My husband wouldn’t want to hear that I love him with half of my heart. No mother would ever say they love their children with a small portion of their heart. A friend would be insulted if I told them I halfheartedly trusted them with a confidence.
          As I pondered all this I felt a deep conviction within my soul. I long to be a wholehearted Christian but there are so many distractions. My mind wanders and takes my focus off what is truly important. I am so grateful that the One who created me loves me despite my failures. Most of all I’m grateful that His love never fails.
                                                          Be Blessed!


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