An Angel on the Roadside?

            On Tuesday, November 6th as my husband and I relaxed after attending a Bible Study, we received  phone call informing us that our 19 year old daughter had been in a head on car accident. Within seconds we were in the car heading toward the scene. As we neared the accident we saw a sea of flashing lights, squad cars, first responders, a fire truck, and a paramedic unit. The road was blocked off and an officer was redirecting traffic.  Our van had barely stopped and we were running down the road to find our daughter.  Almost immediately we saw her huddled in a blanket at the side of the road.  My heart leapt for joy seeing her conscious and standing.
            As I hugged her, I saw a man standing behind the guardrail at the side of the road.  My daughter began telling me what happened and how people had stopped to help her. I looked at the man standing behind her and asked her if he was someone who came to her aid. As I asked her this, I locked eyes with the man behind the rail and he said nothing but looked deep within my eyes and I began to feel a peace. Then we were interrupted by a paramedic who came to treat her. As we turned to go to the paramedic unit I looked back for the man and he was gone.
            My daughter was taken to the hospital and has many injuries, thankfully none are life threatening. It’s going to take her months to recover both physically and emotionally. After seeing the vehicle my daughter was in I am certain that she was protected by divine intervention.  The driver who crossed into her lane and hit her was arrested for drunk driving.  
            After seeing the mangled heap that was once our car I am filled with incredible gratitude for the outcome. Yes, my daughter has been injured, we’ve lost our car, and we have a long road ahead of us. I am just grateful that we are all together to travel this road.
            As I was sitting alone last night after everyone had gone to bed I once again thought of the silent man standing by the guardrail.  Was he an angel sent to protect my daughter? I can’t say for sure but I certainly won’t rule out the possibility.
Luke 4:10 assures us:
“For it is written: "'He will command his angels concerning you to guard you carefully”
Psalm 91:11 also says:
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”
            Whether it was by the man on the side of the road or through some other unseen hand, we have experienced the Lord’s protection in a very real way and for that and so much more I praise Him.


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