Be A Weightlifter!


Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.

In our day to day lives we probably don’t have to look far before we encounter someone who is burdened or anxious.  So many people are weighed down by life’s burdens. Their faces are drawn with worry and anxiety has become their frequent companion. Life isn’t always easy and burdens are often heavy.
As I read Proverbs 12:25, I sensed the call to become a “weightlifter.” In fact, I wrote the words, “be a weightlifter” next to the verse. Then I began “working out”.  Each day I’m asking the Lord to make me aware of the opportunities before me. I’m learning that it is about taking the focus off me and looking toward others. When we ask God for a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others, HE answers! You begin to really see others and not just look past them.
I’m realizing that it really isn’t complicated. It’s just a matter of looking around and really seeing others.  Sometimes it is a simple smile and a friendly hello. Other times it is a sincere compliment. Its asking someone how they are and really caring about their reply. Once in a while its seeing a face in the rearview mirror at the drive-through and asking the cashier to tell that person their bill has been paid and to wish them a good day.
This process is also teaching me to remember that sometimes the people closest to me need their burdens lifted too. I’m blessed with an amazing family and it isn’t difficult to find kind things to say to them or about them. Often I can get so wrapped up in something that I neglect the ones I love the most. Thankfully, they love me despite my shortcomings, but I want them to know I’m really trying.
Weightlifting is an amazing thing. I entered into this looking to help others, yet I’m finding the blessing of its benefits in my life. I wasn’t expecting it, but I feel happier, stronger, and my own burdens feel lighter. This “workout” doesn’t feel like work at all. I look forward to it each day.
I’d like to encourage you to join me. This world is filled with heavy hearted people. Ask the Lord to help you to not overlook them. Purpose to bless others and lift some of the weight off their burdened hearts.  Be a weightlifter! I promise that you won’t be sorry you made the decision. 

Be Blessed, my friends!



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