Superficial vs. Supernatural

The society we live in is arguably a superficial one. We greet one another with “Hi, how are you?” but more times than not, we don’t want an honest answer. Most of us can claim hundreds of “friends” and “followers” but yet we feel lonely and isolated. Media bombards us with products to make us younger, thinner, prettier, and ultimately happier. However, most purchasers find only their finances thinner, their looks unchanged, and their hearts heavier. What society is offering is not working. We’ve drank the Kool-Aid, bought into the lie, and settled for a superficial existence
The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way. We don’t have to buy into the lie. Jesus came that we might experience life, and experience it abundantly!  I love the way this truth is expressed in the New Living Translation.

“The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” (John 10:10)

Jesus is calling us to move from the superficial to the supernatural.  Our God is a supernatural God. Only HE could create something from nothing. HIS Word is so powerful that HE speaks things into existence. HE arranged our redemption through supernatural means. A virgin delivered our deliverer. Then, when Jesus began HIS ministry, it was miraculous and supernatural. Lives were changed, people were healed, water turned to wine, and the dead rose. Finally, on the cross, HE defeated death and paid the price for our sin.

The God we serve is supernatural. The savior who redeemed us is supernatural. The Holy Spirit who indwells us is supernatural. As I ponder these truths I am challenged to live a life less superficial and more supernatural. I’m shifting my focus to a higher and holier place. I want to look at HIS Word with a fresh perspective and receive it with childlike expectation. As we enter this Christmas season and move toward a new year, I invite you to join me. I’d love to hear your stories and be encouraged by them. Please feel free to contact me and share your thoughts. 

Wishing you joy and blessings in abundance today and always!



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