
Showing posts from November, 2015

Word Cloud

                                                      Recently, Facebook offered users the opportunity to have a visual created showing the words they most used over the past year.   This simple cloud of words speaks volumes about us as individuals. In Matthew 12:34 we are told:             “ The mouth speaks about what overflows from the heart.” In other words, what we say reveals the depth of our hearts. Knowing this, I must admit it was with some trepidation that I hit the button to create my cloud. After all, social media gives us the opportunity to share our thoughts with countless people.   That opportunity also comes with great responsibility.   Words are powerful and we are going to be accountable for how we use them.             “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:37 ESV)             The Lord used this simple visual on Facebook to remind me that I must choose my words carefully.   I am responsi

Red Coffee Cups

                 Politics, religion, and opinions, social media is filled with them! Each day our news feed offers new and creative things to offend Christians. We are called to boycott, sign petitions, and “share” the latest hot topic. Most recently, a red paper coffee cup has people up in arms. Starbucks is changing only the color of their cup this season. There will be no Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen or Jesus in a manger on the cups. This fact has some people hotter than the temperature of Gr ande low-fat peppermint mocha.             Earlier today, after scrolling through various opinions on “the red cup”, I began to ponder it all. Have we turned finding things to be offended by into a full time ministry? What message does this send to non-believers? What merits mounting a soapbox to proclaim our opinions and express our offense? Are we appropriately applying God’s Word when it comes to politics or are we using it to further our own agenda? These are questio