
Showing posts from February, 2013

Praise & Road Rage

                The day began well. I woke up, grabbed a cup of coffee and my Bible and spent some quality time in the Word. Then I set some praise and worship music to shuffle on my iPod while doing some housework.   After I was done, I grabbed my car keys and headed to the store to pick up a few things. I turned on the radio and began to sing along with one of my favorite worship songs. There I was, headed down the road, praising the Lord and it happened. Out of nowhere, a car cut me off and proceeded in front of me at 20 miles per hour.   Before I knew it my hands were raised, not in worship, but rather in frustration.   My song of praise was replaced with a tirade directed at the oblivious slow poke in front of me.               With no route of escape on a one lane road, I followed my tortoise-like offender all the way to the grocery store.   My foot barely touched the gas pedal and I kept tapping the brake so I wouldn’t rear-end the tail lights that were making me see red.

A Middle Aged Woman in Really Cute Shoes

                                                                                   There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children; she didn’t know what to do.   That nursery rhyme always made me roll my eyes. I used to wonder why anyone would choose to live in a shoe. I also wondered why on earth she had so many kids. I figured she had to be out of her mind.             I just wasn't one of those girls who went all "ga ga" over kids.  As a teenager when all my friends were babysitting, I did my best to turn down every offer to watch children. It just wasn’t my thing. As a young adult my passion for children still wasn’t sparked. When I would see children misbehaving in restaurants, I viewed it as proof for the need of a “no children” section.   I avoided serving in the nursery at church like the plague. When Randy and I became engaged, we talked about everything except children.             After we were married we enjoyed a comfortabl

Homeschooling In High Heels

             Yesterday I blogged about “the road less traveled”. One of the roads less traveled that I am currently on is reflected in our decision to homeschool our three youngest children.   Sometimes as I travel this road I feel like a modern day “Dorothy”, except that my slippers aren’t always ruby. Anyone who has seen my shoe closet can attest that as I travel “somewhere over the rainbow” I have a few dozen shoes representing every color of the rainbow.             Each day my three companions (Carly, Matthew & Jacob) and I, along with our trusty basset hound, travel the yellow brick road in search of wisdom. While pursuing wisdom we also are seeking to develop their hearts and give them the courage it takes to persevere in life.             Traveling this road is a joy and an adventure. As we travel together, I am learning as much as they are. What we’re learning isn’t purely academic. As I seek to help them develop their character, I am often the student. I’

The Road Less Traveled

My husband, Randall, took the picture of the snowy path I’ve posted along with today’s blog. As I looked at it I couldn’t help but be reminded of the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. It ends with these words:                                     Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.                            I started thinking about the less traveled roads I’ve taken in my life. There have been many times I’ve felt the Lord’s prompting to exit the well-traveled road I’ve been on and take a detour. Sometimes those less traveled roads have brought relief from the hectic road I was traveling. Other times the road less traveled has felt deserted and lonely. There are even times that venturing the less traveled road has been exciting.             As I’ve walked roads less traveled, I’ve learned a great deal. One of the greatest lessons learned is one in faith. Making the move to the less t