
Showing posts from December, 2012

Foul Weather Friends

            We’re all familiar with the term “fair weather friend”.   A fair weather friend is one who is only around when circumstances are pleasant and possibly profitable. Today I am concentrating on another kind of friend that I like to call a “foul weather friend”.             It is likely you have at least one of these foul weather friends. You know the type. They never call unless they need something from you and they are rarely available should you need something. They believe it is better to receive than give. A foul weather friend doesn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call you when they need a ride, a babysitter, a few dollars or a shoulder to cry on. While they saturate your shoulder, their shoulder is completely dry and unavailable. Friendship with a foul weather friend is, in simple terms, one sided.             As I was reading the Psalms yesterday I was so struck by David’s relationship with God. David has been called “the man after God’s own heart”. In reading

Shepherd's Status Update and Four Square Check In

Imagine the life of a shepherd some two thousand years ago. It probably wasn’t a very exciting life. We also know that shepherds did not have a very high social rank in those days. In fact, they were ranked just slightly above slaves. These shepherds were likely dirty from their job of tending hundreds or even thousands of sheep. They were probably illiterate. The job of a shepherd didn’t make allowances to attend services on the Sabbath so they probably didn’t practice the faith. In general, shepherds were considered dishonest, undesirable, and unclean. Yet, they are the only ones who received a divine birth announcement. Luke tells us: That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Sa

Mary & Joseph's Status Updates

If Mary and Joseph were able to post a Facebook relationship status over 2,000 years ago I think it would likely have been “It’s Complicated”.   More specifically, I think it would have changed from “Betrothed” to “It’s Complicated”. Obviously, I am taking some liberties here to make a point. Just imagine Mary, a young girl at the time. The ceremony of betrothal had already taken place. The Mohar or dowry had been paid. Although, according to custom Mary remained in her parents’ house until the wedding ceremony, she belonged to Joseph. Soon they would begin their lives together as husband and wife.   She would leave her family and join Joseph, likely in the house of his father. I wonder if she, like any young woman, might have had mixed emotions. We know Joseph was a good man and because the agreement had been reached and they had the blessings of their families. Still, it had to be a bittersweet time for Mary.   To leave her home and family, the only life she had known, must have

Walking in Freedom

“I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts” (Psalm 119:45) One of my favorite Christmas movies is the 1951 version of “A Christmas Carol” with Alastair Sim. I love that movie. Of all the actors ever to play Scrooge, I believe Mr. Sim best personifies the character. Everyone has heard of Ebenezer Scrooge and identifies with him on some level. His “bah hum bug” is a familiar sound to our ears. As I was reading my Bible this morning I was reminded of another character in the story, Jacob Marley. Jacob is, of course, Scrooge’s deceased business partner and the first ghost to visit Scrooge. Who can forget the sound of his clanking chains and the sight of him bearing his burden as he painstakingly crosses the room? Being a visual person, I'm always quite struck by the sight of Mr. Marley enduring the burden of his self made iron bonds. As I read Psalm 119:45 today the words “I will walk about in freedom” rang in my mind. As I considered them, I sta