
Showing posts from November, 2012

An Angel on the Roadside?

            On Tuesday, November 6 th as my husband and I relaxed after attending a Bible Study, we received   phone call informing us that our 19 year old daughter had been in a head on car accident. Within seconds we were in the car heading toward the scene. As we neared the accident we saw a sea of flashing lights, squad cars, first responders, a fire truck, and a paramedic unit. The road was blocked off and an officer was redirecting traffic.   Our van had barely stopped and we were running down the road to find our daughter.   Almost immediately we saw her huddled in a blanket at the side of the road.   My heart leapt for joy seeing her conscious and standing.             As I hugged her, I saw a man standing behind the guardrail at the side of the road.   My daughter  began telling me what happened and how people had stopped to help her. I looked at the man standing behind her and asked her if he was someone who came to her aid. As I asked her this, I locked eyes with the man


                Truth be told, I often struggle with staying focused. Focusing fully on a task does not come naturally to me. Over the years I have learned to disciple myself to maintain focus. For instance, I clean my house from one end to the other. I begin in the mudroom and then move on to the family room and so on. Should my task require me to leave the “zone” I am in, I am careful to immediately return and not be distracted by another task I may see. My goal is to give my whole focus to the task at hand.           My lack of focus isn’t limited to domestic duties. Conversations with me can change on a dime. My poor husband learned early on that I don’t signal before a subject change. I am also prone to wander when shopping with someone. Something down the aisle catches my eye and I am off. Unfortunately my shopping partners are often unaware that Leslie has left the aisle and look a little unstable talking to themselves.           Spiritually I sometimes struggle with mainta