
Showing posts from April, 2020


On Friday morning I was texting with my sister, Betty. (Ok, technically she is my sister-in-law but the heart overrules genetics and she is my sister) Since Betty is in California and I’m in Wisconsin, we typically communicate via text messages. As always, it was wonderful to see a message pop up from her. She asked how I was doing and I replied and told her that to be quite honest, I was struggling a little. Betty is one of the most encouraging people I know and has such a heart for the Lord and others, so I knew I could be real with her. As we texted back and forth about all that was going on, she shared that the Lord had given her the word “endure” for this time. Betty went on to share how she applies this to our present trials.  I am so grateful for my wise sister. Since yesterday I have been reflecting on her word. Endure. The meaning is even more profound in light of Good Friday. I am reminded. “We must focus on Jesus, the source and goal of our faith. He saw the