
Showing posts from June, 2018

Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti

                Have you ever hosted or attended a party that involved confetti? If so, then you know that long after the party is over, bits of confetti remain. You find them in the strangest places days or even months later, a reminder of the celebration. The colorful pieces manage to work their way into corners, under furniture, between pages of books, and other hidden places. Guests you’ve invited to the celebration unknowingly take some with them as they go on their way. I believe that if we had the ability to tag and track confetti, we would see a map with lines extending from your home to places all over the country, and maybe even across the world.                  So, you’re probably wondering what my sudden obsession with confetti is all about. Let me explain. This morning I was praying about generosity because it is a topic that has been on my heart for several months now. As I prayed today the Lord reminded me that generosity has many facets and like the facets o