
Showing posts from May, 2017

Be A Weightlifter!

  Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. In our day to day lives we probably don’t have to look far before we encounter someone who is burdened or anxious.   So many people are weighed down by life’s burdens. Their faces are drawn with worry and anxiety has become their frequent companion. Life isn’t always easy and burdens are often heavy. As I read Proverbs 12:25, I sensed the call to become a “weightlifter.” In fact, I wrote the words, “ be a weightlifter ” next to the verse. Then I began “working out”.   Each day I’m asking the Lord to make me aware of the opportunities before me. I’m learning that it is about taking the focus off me and looking toward others. When we ask God for a heightened sensitivity to the needs of others, HE answers! You begin to really see others and not just look past them. I’m realizing that it really isn’t complicated. It’s just a matter of looking around and really seeing others.   Sometimes it is a simple smile