
Showing posts from April, 2015


                                                                          The #FaithbookExperiment continues and I'm finding myself spending a great deal of time in the Psalms. Today Psalm 27:1 spoke to me in a mighty way. “The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?” I know this is truth. The Lord is my light, and light dispels darkness. I also know that the enemy loves darkness, he thrives in it. The enemy of our souls tries to deceive us with his darkness. He tries to hold us in captivity through the darkness of fear, depression, anger, and many other things. Darkness is a deception used by the enemy to try to discourage believers.  As I meditated on this verse, the following image came to mind. (I just love the way my Creator speaks to me in pictures.) This morning as I walked into the family room I opened the blind. The moment the blind began to go up sunlight burst forth into

Burning Incense to Other gods - The Faithbook Experiment

My Faithbook Experiment ( #FaithbookExperiment ) continues to be a journey of self-examination. The other morning I was in Jeremiah. I began reading in chapter 33, lingering over Jeremiah 33:3.          “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”             As I meditated on this familiar verse I prayed, asking the Lord to speak to my heart and show me great and unsearchable things that I don’t know. It wasn’t something I prayed lightly.   This invitation to call to the Lord also gives us His promise that He will answer.              My study of Jeremiah took me to chapter 44. In this book, the issue of “burning incense to other gods” is addressed. Burning incense is, of course, an act of worship. God clearly listed the ingredients for incense and stated in Exodus that it was to be used to worship only Him. Using it in any other way was against His command. Yet, knowing this, His people disobeyed. Specifically, the