
Showing posts from September, 2013

Wallpaper Transfomation

The summer of 2013 will go down in history (at least, Manske Family History) as the summer of the great makeover. After the marriage of our oldest daughter, Shelby, we decided to move Ashley, Carly, Matthew, and Jacob to different bedrooms. Of course, it wasn’t as easy as just switching rooms. We decided to let each of the kids choose a theme for their rooms and then decorate according to the chosen theme. Like all projects, there was a chain reaction. Before it was all over we had redone the bedrooms, two bathrooms, three closets, and the main stairway/hallway.             Of all the projects we tacked, the stairway/hallway was the worst. The stairway was covered in hideous wallpaper that we’ve hated from the day we moved in. We’ve always wanted to get rid of it, but somehow we never got around to it. Part of our reason is that some of the paper was two stories high and on the stairway. Neither my husband nor I are fond of heights.  I confess we even wished that covering the wall s

Worship in a Hammock

This afternoon there were half a dozen things I felt I should have been doing. The “Martha” part of me struggled against the “Mary” part of me. Mary won.  Today I ignored the call of the vacuum, laundry, and dusting. Today I chose to sit at HIS feet.             I grabbed my Bible and my IPhone and met HIM there in the middle of the afternoon, in my backyard. It was one of the loveliest worship services I’ve ever attended. The bright blue sky was decorated with fluffy cotton ball clouds. There I was, in my hammock with praise and worship music floating on the air.  I read His Word and sang out loud. (I didn’t even care what the neighbors thought)  I felt His spirit touch me like a gentle breeze.             I continued to worship in my backyard sanctuary, praising the Creator of the Universe. As if on cue, I saw a brilliant red cardinal and the tiniest hummingbird. Talk about bringing the Word to life! It was almost too wonderful to take in.             It was a great worshi