
Showing posts from February, 2015

Beauty in the Brokenness

                A year or so ago I learned about Kintsukuroi , which is the Japanese art of fixing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum.   Being the visual person that I am, I saved a picture of an example of Kintsukuroi on my phone. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded of the fact that we’re all broken people.   Over the years our hurts, sin, pain, and other circumstances damage us. Each of us truly are “damaged goods” in one way or another.                  The good news is that God is the master of repairing broken pottery. He gently takes the pieces and mends them together with HIS love, which is more precious than gold, silver, or platinum.   The result is stunning. There is exquisite beauty in the way HE repairs our brokenness.        In Psalm 31:12 David speaks of his brokenness. “I have faded from memory as if I were dead and have become like a piece of broken pottery”.                 David, the man after God