
Showing posts from April, 2013

To Everything There is a Season

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us: “ To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” April 27 th marked the end of one season of life and the beginning of another. Our oldest daughter, Shelby married the most amazing young man that day. After months and months of preparation and planning, the day finally arrived.   As if to further punctuate the change of season, even the weather changed to spring that day. The previous months had been cold, blustery, and even snowy. However, we awoke that morning to the loveliest spring day. Two families and many friends gathered together to celebrate Shelby and Kevin’s marriage. All of us, dressed in our best and wearing joyful smiles witnessed the radiant bride meet her handsome groom.   It was a time to laugh, to dance, to embrace, and to speak. It was a time of peace, and most of all a time of love. As I review the pictures of the happy day, the ancient words of Solomon ring true. I’m so very grateful to know that G